Embed fonts with Adobe Flash IDE

Almost every Flash project needs some embedded fonts and it is a good practice to compile the fonts into a separate SWF file. So here is a simple way to create a file that contains only embedded fonts. The SWF file will also show the exact internal font names:

  1. Copy and paste the ActionScript code below into the first keyframe of your timeline.
  2. Create new fonts in flash library and export them for ActionScript.
    A good tutorial can be found here.
  3. Run ONLY the code for step 2 to evalute and trace the exact font names.
  4. Assign the exact font names to the actual library symbols and their export class name.
  5. Run ONLY the code for step 4 to export the swf.
Security.allowDomain( "*" );
// Step 1: Create new fonts in flash library
//         and select "Export for ActionScript".
// Step 2: Run ONLY this code to evalute and trace the exact font names.
var embeddedFonts : Array = Font.enumerateFonts ( false );
var c : uint = embeddedFonts.length;
for ( var i : uint = 0; i < c; i++ )
	var font : Font = embeddedFonts[ i ] as Font;
	var className : String = font.fontName.split( " " ).join( "" );
	var lowerFontStyle : String = font.fontStyle.toLowerCase();
	if ( lowerFontStyle.indexOf( "bold" ) != -1 ) className += "Bold";
	if ( lowerFontStyle.indexOf( "italic" ) != -1 ) className += "Italic";
	trace( className );
// Step 3: Assign the exact font names to the actual
//         library symbols and their export class name.
// Step 4: Export the swf using ONLY this code. 
var posX : int = 10;
var posY : int = 10;
var embeddedFonts : Array = Font.enumerateFonts ( false );
	embeddedFonts.sortOn( "fontName", Array.CASEINSENSITIVE );
var c : uint = embeddedFonts.length;
for ( var i : uint = 0; i < c; i++ )
	var font : Font = embeddedFonts[ i ] as Font;
	var lowerFontStyle : String = font.fontStyle.toLowerCase();
	var textFormat : TextFormat = new TextFormat();
		textFormat.bold = ( lowerFontStyle.indexOf( "bold" ) != -1 );
		textFormat.italic = ( lowerFontStyle.indexOf( "italic" ) != -1 );
		textFormat.font = font.fontName;
		textFormat.size = 14;
	var className : String = font.fontName.split( " " ).join( "" );
	if ( textFormat.bold ) className += "Bold";
	if ( textFormat.italic ) className += "Italic";
	Font.registerFont( Class( getDefinitionByName( className ) ) );
	var boldItalic : String = "";
	if ( textFormat.bold && textFormat.italic )
		boldItalic = "( needs to be BOLD and ITALIC ! )";
	else if ( textFormat.bold )
		boldItalic = "( needs to be BOLD ! )";
	else if ( textFormat.italic )
		boldItalic = "( needs to be ITALIC ! )";
	var textField : TextField = new TextField();
		textField.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
		textField.defaultTextFormat = textFormat;
		textField.embedFonts = true;
		textField.text = font.fontName + "\t" + boldItalic;
		textField.x = posX;
		textField.y = posY;
	posY += textField.height + 5;
	addChild( textField );

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