While developing the print functionality within a framework I got stuck on the behaviour of the Flash Player print implementation.
I couldn’t solve the following steps:
- Start the PrintJob and display the print dialog
- Procceed the following tasks for every print page:
- Load dynamic data into view templates (images, text, video…)
- Wait for the onLoadComplete event and add the displayed contents using PrintJob.addPage()
- Repeat for next page…
- Call PrintJob.send()
I really thought this would be an easy task but now I think it’s not possible. Several attempts later I figured out that after calling PrintJob.start() there is no way to use the flash event model! This means loading contents after calling PrintJob.start() is impossible!
So I used a workaround: I create all the print pages like I mentioned before, but without calls on the PrintJob-API. I simply store every print page as BitmapData and afterwards I create the PrintJob within a loop.
Now I have multiple other problems:
- Hundreds of pages use a huge amount of RAM and often crash the application.
- The bitmap resolution sucks so printout text quality is unsatisfying and due to point 1 I have no chance to work with higher quality.
- I must avoid skript timeouts because after preparing all the bitmaps it takes much more that 15 seconds to add all these pages to a PrintJob.
Did I slip something?
Finally I created a small example to show you the disfunctionality (PrintJobProblem.as):
package { import flash.display.Sprite; import flash.events.Event; import flash.geom.Rectangle; import flash.printing.PrintJob; import flash.text.TextField; import flash.text.TextFieldAutoSize; import flash.utils.getTimer; /** * @author Markus Raab - derRaab.com / superclass.de */ public class PrintJobProblem extends Sprite { private var _numPrintOuts : int; private var _printOutIndex : int; private var _printJob : PrintJob; /** * Starts a event based printout test after a loop based * test has successfully finished. */ public function PrintJobProblem() { _numPrintOuts = 2; runLoopBasedTest( ); runEventBasedTest( ); } /** * Demonstrates and ensures the functionality. */ private function runLoopBasedTest() : void { _printJob = new PrintJob(); if ( _printJob.start() ) { for ( var i : int = 0; i < _numPrintOuts; i++ ) { addPage( i ); } _printJob.send(); } } /** * Demonstrates that after calling PrintJob.start() the internal * eventmodel doesn't dispatch any events at all. Everything is blocked * until the script times out. */ private function runEventBasedTest() : void { _printJob = new PrintJob(); if ( _printJob.start() ) { trace( getTimer(), "PrintJob.start() called" ); _printOutIndex = 0; startAddPagesOnEnterFrame(); } } private function startAddPagesOnEnterFrame() : void { addEventListener( Event.ENTER_FRAME, onAddPagesOnEnterFrameEvent ); } private function onAddPagesOnEnterFrameEvent(event : Event) : void { if ( _printOutIndex == _numPrintOuts ) { stopAddPagesOnEnterFrame(); _printJob.send(); trace( getTimer(), "PrintJob.send()" ); } else { addPage( _printOutIndex++ ); } } private function stopAddPagesOnEnterFrame() : void { removeEventListener( Event.ENTER_FRAME, onAddPagesOnEnterFrameEvent ); } private function addPage( pageIndex : int ) : void { var page : Sprite = createPrintPage( pageIndex ); stage.addChild( page ); var viewWidth : Number = page.width; var viewHeight : Number = page.height; var scaleX : Number = _printJob.pageWidth / viewWidth; var scaleY : Number = _printJob.pageHeight / viewHeight; var scale : Number = Math.min( scaleX, scaleY ); page.scaleX = page.scaleY = scale; var printRect : Rectangle = new Rectangle( 0, 0, viewWidth, viewHeight ); try { _printJob.addPage( page, printRect ); } catch( e: Error ) { trace( getTimer(), "PrintJob.addPage() failed" ); } stage.removeChild( page ); } private function createPrintPage( pageIndex : int) : Sprite { var page : Sprite = new Sprite(); var textField : TextField = new TextField(); textField.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT; textField.text = "Page " + pageIndex; page.addChild( textField ); return page; } } }