I’m still not sure if “beyond tellerrand” is a subtitle or will become the new brand for the one and only Flashforum conference here in germany. Sascha Wolter and Marc Thiele did a great job as always and even I never went to another conference, FFK seems still to be a special one. Again I was lucky listening to some really cool stuff.
Interestingly most of my last year notes are still up to date, which doesn’t help if you don’t keep them in mind. So I think it’s a good idea to read my own notes from time to time. 😉
That’s what I became aware of this time:
AIR 2.6
- Lee Brimelow mentioned AIR 2.6 on iOS is faster than on Android! Yeah.
- Adobe is working hard on increasing performance near to native code.
- Installing a runtime seems to be annoying for Android users, so Adobe is thinking about compiling for Android like for iOS. Which might bring some extra performance as well.
- I asked Lee Brimelow about AIR on Windows Phone 7 and he said something like “Adobe is currently not working on that and it would be a lot of work”. Well, of course Microsoft is not interested having AIR on their system, but it would be a really important platform for all of us. So in my opinion Adobe at least has a small team checking out what’s possible. What do you think about Windows Phone 7 and AIR support?
Flex Builder 4.5
- You can get Flex SDK 4.5 already, but there’s also a way to join the private pre-release program to get early access to Flex Builder 4.5. Just visit http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/flexprerelease. They are working on some useful stuff and it might be a good idea to test some of the new features.
- Deepa Supramaniam mentioned spark MXML skins have performance issues on mobile devices. That’s why they created pure ActionScript spark skins for mobile applications. Hopefully, within the private beta Flex SDKs, we’ll find some great improvements: http://www.riagora.com/2011/03/preview-of-flex-on-ios/.
- Wolfgang Henseler (Talk I missed at FFK10) opened my mind according NUI.
- Don’t think of apps on mobile devices but of services allowing you reaching your goal faster than a website.
- Think about providing services, combining them, rethinking them.
- Use less design and let objects provide their functionalities (e.g. tap on image to get some options).
- My brain is very busy with that NUI thing. E. g. he mentioned the Siri iPhone app. It’s not about how it looks like (not so cool) but how it works! Combining lots of possibilities with a really easy interface (speech) . He was also talking about “in body technology” (sensors and stuff like that.) and http://www.tedmed.com/
- After Dennis Ippels Kinect (OpenKinect / http://www.primesense.com/) introduction I finally know something about the magic behind this device as well.
- http://tinyurl.com/molehilldemos. What can I say. Molehill performance is stunning (for the web).
- And keep in mind that you need to set
within your HTML settings! Otherwise you won’t get hardware acceleration. - Molehill itself is way to low level for most of us. So we’ll use 3D frameworks as we did before.
- Away 3D currently seems to be the weapon of choice.
- David Lenaerts gave us some real insights. Thanks, man!
- And if you’re using FDT you should check out: http://blog.powerflasher.de/macht-euer-fdt-molehill-ready/ (german).
Additional useful links:
- http://www.appannie.com/
- http://flixel.org/
- http://pushbuttonengine.com/ (like last year!;)
thanks for this nice review. Hope to see you next year again 😉
Like++ 😉